Crossbreed Jammyx are different from the usual Jammyx. Instead of deciding to host a symbiont creature, these Jammyx choose to become the symbiont for another!
The host provides the Jammyx shelter and the Jammyx dissolves edible material to feed the host. Of course, the host's body will experience some... unpleasant side effects, but hey - you can eat more stuff now!
All Crossbreed Jammyx must have 4 mandatory attributes:
Each Crossbreed Jammyx must have display each aspect listed above to be considered legal!
Crossbreed Jammyx do not follow standard rarity restrictions! Crossbreeds may use any Standard to Extraordinary traits of the Cell Subtype in their design without any additional items! However, adding mutated traits to Jammyx parts still require items!
For example, if you wished to add Wings to the cytoplasm tail, you would have to use the Pig Keychain item during Design Approval!
* If a user wishes to use traits from another subtype, they must use a subspecies changer item!
Crossbreed Attributes Specifics
All Crossbreed Jammyx should have at least one set of Antennae! These antennae should be placed somewhere on the head and contain some amount of cartilage!
All Crossbreed Jammyx should also have at least one made primarily out of Cytoplasm and Cartilage! This may be added as an entirely new tail or a material change to an existing one! In the event that a species does not allow the material of the tail to be altered, there should be significantly more cytoplasm found in the body.
A core should be present but it doesn't have to be in the head! Crossbreed Jammyx must have at least a one core surrounded by cytoplasm somewhere in the body! It should follow one of the shape traits and be noticeable at a glance!
This symbiotic relationship gets a little gooey! Crossbreeds should have a decent portion of their character be part-Cytoplasm, not including the tail! This cytoplasm can replace limbs, the torso or even the head! However, cytoplasm cannot take up more than 50% of the body and should be easily identified!
What Species can I use to create a Crossbreed?
Short answer: any - fictional or real! As long as the species supports Crossbreed characters, you're free to make one with them! If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask for assistance in our server!