
Oversized Antennae (Liquid)

Oversized Antennae (Liquid) (Extraordinary)

Category: Antennae
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

Long antennae that reach to or travel past the shoulders! These cannot reach past the abdomen, however.
Cartilage must appear at the beginning but is not required at the end!

No Antennae (Liquid)

No Antennae (Liquid) (Unusual)

Category: Antennae
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

smooth brain

Circle Core

Circle Core (Standard)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A smooth, round core. A ball, even.

Cube Core

Cube Core (Standard)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A smooth, cube core. Yes, you may make it a rectangle.

Seed Core

Seed Core (Unusual)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A seed-shaped core. It can vaguely resemble the seed of any plant as long as its still recognizeable as a seed.

Wiggly Core

Wiggly Core (Unusual)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

An erratic, squiggly core with smooth edges. Wibbly wobbly, even.

Cell Core

Cell Core (Rare)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A magnified cell acting as the core of a Jammyx. Cell-ception.
This trait trait can resemble any kind of cells from any living organism.

Shaped Core

Shaped Core (Rare)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A core that resembles a geometric shape or symbol. These cores should be up to two simple structures that resemble a specific shape or symbol and cannot appear like a man-made or living object.
➤ For example, a question mark would be an acceptable use for this trait. An eyeball would not.

Object Core

Object Core (Extraordinary)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

An object-shaped core. This trait may resemble any man-made object but cannot include items like elements or living creatures.

Body Part Core

Body Part Core (Extraordinary)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A core that resembles a stray body part or limb of some kind. This can be an eye, a set of teeth, hand, tail, or more!

Multiple Cores

Multiple Cores (Mutated)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx

Two brains are better than one! Or in this case, up to 5 brains!
Added cores may be of different types as long as you have the correct rarity/items!

Using an additional Smart Glasses item on this trait while it is already present allows up 9 brains!

Requires the Smart Glasses <a href= item!

Edible Core

Edible Core (Mutated)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Cell subtype)

A core that resembles any item for consumption. Yummy brain!
This trait can resemble any one piece of food!

Requires the Artificial Sweetener item!

Circle Core (Liquid)

Circle Core (Liquid) (Standard)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

A smooth, round core. A ball, even.

Wiggly Core (Liquid)

Wiggly Core (Liquid) (Standard)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

An erratic, squiggly core with smooth edges. Wibbly wobbly, even.

Cork Core

Cork Core (Standard)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

A porous, round cork core. Say that 5 times fast.

Cube Core (Liquid)

Cube Core (Liquid) (Unusual)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

A smooth, cube core. Yes, you may make it a rectangle.

Fruit Core (Liquid)

Fruit Core (Liquid) (Unusual)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

This trait can resemble any one piece of fruit! An apple a day keeps the thoughts away!

Shaped Core (Liquid)

Shaped Core (Liquid) (Rare)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

A core that resembles a geometric shape or symbol. These cores should be up to two simple structures that resemble a specific shape or symbol and cannot appear like a man-made or living object.
➤ For example, a question mark would be an acceptable use for this trait. An eyeball would not.

Edible Core (Liquid)

Edible Core (Liquid) (Rare)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

This trait can resemble any one piece of food! Brain food!

Object Core (Liquid)

Object Core (Liquid) (Extraordinary)

Category: Core
Species: Jammyx (Liquid subtype)

An object-shaped core. This trait may resemble any man-made object but cannot include items like elements or living creatures.

139 results found.